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Rubinstein, Michael
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Bibliographie (3 livres)
Rubinstein, Michael
Intermediate and advanced coin technique
, Tome I, s.n. (s.l.), s.d., [copyright 1981], First edition, imp. : Presso Il Centro 2P (Firenze, Italy), juin 1982, [8]+64+[4] pp., 17 x 24 cm.
Rubinstein, Michael
Intermediate and advanced coin technique
, Tome I, s.n. (s.l.), s.d., [copyright 1981], imp. : Presso Il Centro 2P (Firenze), juillet 1983, [8]+64+[4] pp., 17 x 24 cm.
Rubinstein, Michael
Intermediate and advanced coin technique
, Tome II, s.n. [Chez l'auteur ?] (s.l.), s.d., [copyright 1981], imp. : Presso Il Centro 2P (Firenze Italy), janvier 1985, [8]+57+[3] pp., 17 x 24 cm.