Clandestine Productions
(4 livres de cet éditeur répertoriés)
Bibliographie (4 livres)
- Harkey, David, Body Language, Clandestine Productions (s.l.), s.d. [copyright 1988], [24] pp., 14,8 x 21 cm. [1892]
- Harkey, David, From the Depths, Clandestine Productions (s.l.), s.d. [copyright 1988], [28] pp., 14,8 x 21 cm. [1893]
- Harkey, David, Last Word (The) A practical booktest from the mind of David Harkey, Clandestine Productions (s.l.), s.d. [copyright 1988], [8] pp., 14,8 x 21 cm. [1891]
- Harkey, David, Simply Harkey, Clandestine Productions (P.O. Box 5168 Eugene, OR 97405), s.d. [copyright 1991], imp. : Clandestine Productions - Eugene Oregon USA, 1997, [10]+257+[9] pp., 22,3 x 28,7 cm. [1594]